大吉WAKA集2024 №21~30





【021】勝ち負けに こだわる人は すでに負け たたかう前に よく考える

To the winning or losing Particular person It is already defeated. Before fighting It should think over.

【022】夢をみて しあわせになる ときをまつ そのプロセスも 大切なとき

Dream a dream. It becomes happy. It looks forward to the time. That process, too The important time will come.

【023】人生で はじめてみえた カベのまえ 言葉のチカラ 信じたい朝

By the life It seemed for the first time. In front of a wall. Of the power that a word has The morning that came to want to believe

【024】予想外 大災害に みまわれて こころの絆 深まっていく

Unexpected one To a catastrophe Be struck at. By the tether of a heart It deepens oppositely.

【025】自分より 他人のことを 気にしすぎ 友にいわれて 少し反省

Than itself More Of others’ word When caring too much Be said to a friend. It is reconsidering a little.

【026】つらいとき 笑顔になれる きみならば もう幸せは そこにきている

When salty even It is possible to become smiling. If you It is already happy. It comes there.

【027】忘れても 忘れてもなお 蘇る こころの傷は まぼろしの傷

Even if we forget Forgetting still It revives. Flaw of a heart Phantasmal flaw

【028】かっとする 元気があれば のみこんで 明日をむかえる チカラにかえる

Dark one that is there angrily If there is the vigor Swallowing it and It reaches tomorrow.We want to change into the power.

【029】ラッキーと 思うそばから どん底に 落ちてしまえば また這い上がる

With the lucky From near thinking It falls to a bottom. If having fallen to a bottom Also, we will only creep up.

【030】しあわせは たったひとつの 根しかない 生きてるだけで みんな大吉

It is happy. There is only one root. Only because a person lives Everyone excellent luck

2024年4月6日 | カテゴリー : 未分類 | 投稿者 : wpmaster